CPSC405 Fall 2011 Project 2
Programming in C Competition
I have revised this project to accomodate people with less familiarity with C.
Optional Lab. Due midnight Day of the Dead
You have a choice of solving one of the following problems (in C) taken from ACM programming competitions.
Major Scales – problem 10528
O: dah, dah, dah – problem 11223
A Morse code problem.
XP: 80 XP if CPU time is 0; 70 if CPU time is less than .003; 40 if your program produces correct output using online judge
Work Reduction – problem 10670
Getting others to do your work.
XP: 100 XP if in the top 20; 80 if CPU time is less than .026; and 50 if your program produces correct output using online judge.
Ferry Loading II – problem 10440
XP: 100 if CPU time is less than .000; 70 if CPU time is less than .003; 40 if your program produces correct output using online judge.
Selling Cells – problem 4916
This is a fairly new problem and only eight people have attempted it. So you stand a reasonable chance of placing #1.
XP: 110XP if you place first; 90 if CPU time less than .010; 60 if CPU time less than 1; 40 if your program is accepted as producing correct output by the online judge.
You need to do these problems on your own. You should not discuss solutions with other people or search for solutions online.
You can submit your code as many times as you want to the online judge. Please email the final ACM results to submit.o.bot_AT_gmail.com. Please also submit your code to the same email address.