cs110h Honors Intro to CS
Fall 2015
TTh 3:30-4:45: Simpson 225a
Instructor: Ron Zacharski
Trinkle B20
gmail & googletalk: ron.zacharski
cell phone: 575.680.4041
Lab Aide: Bryan Nosar
Office Hours: W, 10-1 @ Trinkle B20; TTh, 2:00-3:15pm @ ITCC 3rd floor lounge
This honors section is an intensive, accelerated course designed to immerse students in computer science. Students will be building physical interactive devices using electronic components and wires, and programming these devices. An introductory video of the Arduino device we will be using is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CqrQmQqpHXc
There is no textbook for the class. Instead you will need a kit containing a microprocessor board, components, and wires. This kit, the Arduino Inventor’s Kit will be available from the bookstore. In addition, I am assuming that nearly everyone has a laptop and will bring it to class. You will be using your laptop to program the Arduino devices you build and take online tests.
The class is discovery-based and student-centered. The majority of class time will be spent working on projects. You will also be expected to do regular work outside of class. This class will help you make the transition from classroom learning to independent learning.
Student work is not graded on a typical scale. Rather, work is awarded experience points (XP). The number of XP you have determines your Level. You start the course at level 0 and work your way up. The level you attain at the end of the semester determines your course grade. I will explain this in more detail at our first meeting.
This course is hard work and challenging, but I think you will find it fun.