Project Animal Attack
Possible XP: 130
Again, you can complete as many of these as you want. You never lose points, you just gain points by doing work.
You cannot use ‘if’ statements in any of these challenges.
If you need hints or help please ask. If this ends up being too difficult for most people we will readjust. Don’t panic.
Complete the Khan Academy Project Animal Attack: 35xp
Snakes 10xp
Controlled by the position of your mouse:
Note: The violet and blue dot at the beginning shouldn’t be there — I just forgot to clear the screen.
Target 15xp
You may want to look at the larger version of this video (Link to larger video).
Colored Lines 15xp
Simple Space Ball 15xp
This (and all the following challenges) relies on the modulo operator (%). Think of grade school math. Back then (at least in my youth) when you divide 9 by 5 you get 1 with a remainder of 4. The modulo operator gives you the remainder. So 9 % 5 = 4 and 14 % 5 also gives you 4 because 14 divided by 5 is 2 with a remainder of 4.
I also use stroke(r, g, b) to change the color of the circle border. and strokeWeight(x) to change the thickness of that line.
Hacker Challenges
Space Ball Scroll 10xp
Space Move 10xp
The triangle ship is controlled by your mouse. The space balls move at different speeds.
Space Bubbles 20xp
Space Creative 5-15xp
Can you remix the above in some creative way? For example, a space ship navigating space bubbles?