cs305 Computer Architecture
Spring 2010
MW 9-10:50 Trinkle B52
Dr. Ron Zacharski
aim: zacharsky
gmail & googletalk: ron.zacharski
Office hours:
Tuesday/Thursday: 1:45-3:30
Wednesday: 11-1
Test 1 Results
The average score was 41.3, the median was 41 and the standard deviation was 10.38. My goal is to have from the average up to one standard deviation be a ‘B’ and above that an A, and the average down one standard deviation be a C. In order to get this to work, I added 3 points to your grade and assumed the perfect score was 53.
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the basic operation of computing systems. It takes a bottom up approach. We start by examining MOS transistors. We then learn how we can create logic gates (for example, AND, OR, and NOT gates) using these transistors. Using these gates we then construct larger circuits culminating in the design of a simple computer. We learn how to program computers using machine language and assembly. Finally we look at a high level programming language, C.
Experimental nature of course
As far as I know, this is the only computer architecture course that introduces students to physical computing. This physical computing component (1/4 the course and grade) ocuses on building devices that interact with the real world. Instead of traditional I/O (keyboard, mouse, displays, and printers) we will look at sensors and actuators. This component is hands on we will build devices and write software to control those devices.