Week 1
12 January
- Intro to the class
- Intro to Java Programming
- Installing BlueJ – a team project
14 January
- RAT 1: Lesson 1 of Udacity course
- BlueJ lab
- Team review: Programming in a language you know.
(make sure your favorite programming language is on your laptop)
Week 2
19 January
- No Class
21 January
- RAT 2: Udacity Lesson 2: Objects
- Objects lab a partner project
Week 3
26 January
28 January
- RAT 3: Udacity Lesson 3: Classes & Head First Java Ch1 & 2 (no questions about conditionals or loops)
- Lesson Three partner task & homework
Week 4
2 February
- How to implement a class. – Cay’s step-by-step approach.
- more about Classes
4 February
Week 5
9 February
- RAT 4: Udacity Lesson 4 & Head First ch 3
11 February
Week 6
16 February
- Yet more practice. Math functions, String functions, reading input from a file.
- xp.txt
18 February
Week 7
23 February
- RAT 5: Udacity Lessons 5 & 6: Decisions & Loops
- M&Ms and Credit Cards
25 February
Week 8
2 March
- Spring Break
4 March
Week 9
9 March
11 March
- RAT 6: Udacity Lesson 7: Arrays
Week 10
16 March
- demo day Chaco Canyon Game
- ArrayList practice (no xp) In Intellij VCS -> Checkout From Version Control -> GitHub Can you add the missing methods?
- Trinkle Game explanation and walk through
18 March
- Trinkle Game lab day
Week 11
23 March
- first hour – insanely cool algorithms
- second hour – Trinkle Game Lab
25 March
- RAT 7: Udacity Lessons 8 & 9: Classes & inheritance
- Trinkle Game Demo Day
- Battleship game (
Week 12
30 March
- Basic algorithms searching and sorting
- Exercises: exploring Trinke and Scrabble
- Scrabble Word List File
2 April
- Battleship due
- lab to finish Data Structures and Algorithms work
Week 13
6 April
- Cellular Automata and complexity theory
- videos watched in class:
- team worksheet on one dimensional CA
- the project writeup
8 April
- lab day
Week 14
13 April
- Pick and Choose
- Final Exam Posted
15 April
- Big O Notation
- Sorting
- Improved Sorting Algorithm Demo
- Sorting Algorithms
- Computer Science Question
- Ranch Sorting – looks much harder than anything we will be doing!
- Bubble Sort Folk Dance
Week 15
20 April
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