I finally have a reasonable demo of this application. Now I need to do a thorough job of testing and debugging. As I mentioned in the previous post, this is a chat client where two people can be messaging in different languages and the chat system translates from one to the other. One feature of the chat client is shown in the screenshot above. If you mouse over any translation, you can see alternative translations. So if one translation engine did a poor job in translating a chat message, you can look at translations from other engines. We hope that this feature, as well as several others, will improve the usefulness of this chat system.
The backend of the system is in PHP connected to a MySQL database server. I am using Flex for the client side component.
As I mentioned in my previous post, this system will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of multilingual instant messaging systems and is a continuation of Bill Ogden’s work on Computer mediated multilingual translation.